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Martinelli Luce at Genova Jeans

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Martinelli Luce at Genova Jeans
September, 2021
From 2 to 6 September, the exhibition Genova Jeans took place in Liguria’s main city, reviewing the history of a fabric, the "jeans", which has become a synonym for hyper-creative garments. The Genoa event focused not only on the past and the history of jeans but also on its more recent evolution in the name of sustainability, a topic increasingly important and felt nowadays.
The whole city of Genoa was involved and along the "streets of the Jeans” (Via Pré, Via del Campo and Via San Luca), it was possible to visit the main exhibitions and performances of the event.
The Metelino, a building once used as a warehouse and goods emporium and now restored and used for cultural and tourist activities, hosted the contemporary art exhibition "ArteJeans", a collection of works specially created by contemporary artists using "jeans" as their only material source.
Martinelli luce illuminated this location with its mamba, luna op, U system and R19 lamps.
In addition, inside the Library of the University of Genova, which hosted the press conferences of the event as long as other events, there were some models of Eva lamps that, for the occasion, presented the diffuser not in fabric but in jeans - an operation carried out in partnership with the Candiani brand.
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