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Martinelli Luce supports AIRC by participating in the Love Design 2021 initiative

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Martinelli Luce supports AIRC by participating in the Love Design 2021 initiative
November, 2021
Martinelli Luce is pleased to announce it will be part again of the Promoter Committee of LOVE DESIGN, annual initiative to support the fight against cancer promoted by AIRC Foundation in collaboration with ADI.
The appointment, now in its tenth edition, from 1 to 7 November 2021, brings together an exclusive parterre of Italian companies in an event that is renewed and transformed into a digital event, thus becoming an initiative of national scope.
The website thus becomes a prestigious showcase containing over five thousand fashion and design objects; the proceeds will be used to fund three three-year scholarships for young researchers, each worth €75,000.
Martinelli Luce has offered several of its lamps from the iconic pipistrello, to the more modern l'amica, frog, elastica, through kiki, cyborg, elica, fluida and trilly.
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