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Three scholarships thanks to Love Design 2019

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Three scholarships thanks to Love Design 2019
February, 2020
When Design and Research meet each other

The success of the Love Design 2019 event that took place in Milan from 11th to 13th October, conceived and organized by Fondazione AIRC for Cancer Research, with the collaboration of the most important companies in the world of Design, including Martinelli Luce, was a success not only for the public (over 15,000 visitors), but also for the funds that could be raised.
In fact, the considerable amount of € 360,000.00 was reached thanks to the 4,000 design objects made available free of charge by the participating companies.

Thanks to this collaboration, it was possible to allocate 3 scholarships for young researchers involved in the field of female cancer.
Chiara Pesenti, Raffaele Luongo and Manuela Sollazzo will dedicate their research work to the study of various aspects of ovarian cancer, joining the more than 5,300 AIRC researchers.

Martinelli Luce, not only appears among the 67 design companies, but also belongs to the committee promoting the event, actively working to ensure the success of the event.
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