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The value of the space. A speech in Milan with Emiliana Martinelli.

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The value of the space. A speech in Milan with Emiliana Martinelli.
November, 2019

Friday, November 15 at 18:30, Palazzo Mezzanotte - Borsa Italiana INTERIORS takes part in BookCity Milano 2019 with the meeting "THE VALUE OF SPACE."

Three women, three books, three stories of entrepreneurial creativity, under the sign of design and art.

"The value of space. Le fabbriche di design come pratica del buon progetto" is the title of the meeting that INTERNI will present at BookCity Milano 2019. For this eighth edition of the event, the Mondadori Group's magazine, edited by Gilda Bojardi, focuses on women's contribution to entrepreneurship and design. A liaison that is not so obvious: in fact, only 5% of women in the world are heads of companies and design is in line with this figure. 

The event conceived by INTERNI will involve three protagonists with a decision-making role in family businesses, in the production, management and communication of three brands that have strongly influenced the places and style of design at an international level. Three women who, thanks to their competence and passion, also in the editorial and communication fields, have personally contributed to the production of publications dedicated to their company. On stage, moderated by Patrizia Catalano, journalist for INTERNI, will be Rossella Bisazza (Bisazza Communication Director, Bisazza Foundation Vice President) who will talk about the book on the Bisazza Foundation's art collection; Emiliana Martinelli (Martinelli Luce President) with a story dedicated to her father Elio, a pioneer in lighting design; and Monica Mazzei (Edra Vice President) with a volume that collects the innovative solutions of Edra, one of the most creative and innovative brands in Italian Design. 

The conversation will take place on Friday 15 November at 6.30 pm in the Sala Blu of Palazzo Mezzanotte - Borsa Italiana (Piazza Affari 6, Milan). Participation is free, subject to availability.

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