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Launch of Civetta Valentina by Guido Crepax

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Launch of Civetta Valentina by Guido Crepax
November, 2019
During Lucca Comics & Games 
Martinelli Luce celebrated Guido Crepax 
with a lamp dedicated to Valentina.
At the Martinelli Luce showroom in via S. Lucia 9 in Lucca, the exhibition CrepaXmusic&Light took place.

Thanks to the collaboration with the CrepaX archive managed by his sons Caterina, Antonio and Giacomo, curators of the exhibition, the original files of his works were printed on fiberglass, mounted on panels that create a musical path divided by 5 screens Cartoons produced by Baleri Italy (designed by Luigi Baroli and winner of the Compasso d'Oro Award in 1994) and customized by the company with drawings by Valentina Guido Crepax.

The exhibition was produced and curated by the Associazione For Design.

An unconventional character, the girl inspired by Louise Brooks, has always embodied the ideal of a restless woman with a strong and scandalous sensuality, she was also the first comics character to have an age - according to the wishes of its author - who wanted to equip her in his stories with an identity card!

Valentina inspired Emiliana Martinelli to transform one of her funniest lamps - the Civetta - into a real tribute to a character who remains fixed in the collective imagination, which over the years has become one of the most fascinating female myths in the history of comics.

The Civetta Valentina lamp can be purchased at the Martinelli Luce showroom and at the Special Shop
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