Sergio Asti

Sergio Asti has always dealt with issues related to architecture, interior and industrial design. After graduating in Architecture from Milan Polytechnic, he was Assistant Professor of Interior Architecture for five years. Numerous are his projects and realisations, of architecture, interior design and exhibition design both in Italy and abroad. Many of his works have been published in magazines and books all over the world.

Asti is one of the founders of ADI. He has been a member of various ADI Executive Committees and Working Commissions and has taught courses on industrial design at the Higher Institute of Art in Venice and abroad at the Experimental Higher Institute of Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan.

He has held numerous conferences around the world (France, Germany, Portugal, U.S.A., Japan, China, India, Thailand) and in Italy. He has participated as a judge in architecture and industrial design competitions. He has collaborated with various important companies in sectors ranging from furniture to lighting, from Radio-TV to glass.

He has received many awards: from the Triennale to the Compasso d'Oro, from the M.O.M.A. in N.Y. to the French and Japanese Ministries of Industry and Trade, and the BIO exhibition in Lubljana.

He has been invited on several occasions to hold group and solo exhibitions: in Italy, Canada, the United States, Japan, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark, Brazil and France. Many objects designed by Sergio Asti can be found in the collections of major museums and private collections.

Martinelli Luce paid tribute to the designer who passed away in 2021 with the re-edition of the Visiere table lamp.

The promise

"It was a promise I made. To pay tribute to this great designer, we edited Visiere" (E. Martinelli)