Roberto Lucci Paolo Orlandini

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Roberto Lucci was born in Milan in 1942; he studied at the Institute of Design in Chicago and on the advanced industrial design course in Venice.Paolo Orlandini was born in Grosseto in 1941; he graduated from the faculty of architecture of the Polytechnic of Milan.Both worked for a number of years with Marco Zanuso sr. and with Richard Sapper.
They live and work in the Milan area.Lucci and Orlandini have participated in various Milan Triennale and are represented in the design collections of the Museum of Modern Art in New York, the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago, the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe in Hamburg and the Centre National d'Art Contemporain in the Louvre in Paris.They have been featured in numerous international design exhibitions, including:

la B.I.O. di Lubiana (1973, 77, 81, 84, 86);

"Italian Re-evolution" (La Jolla, California 1982);

"Dal cucchiaio alla città 100 designers" (Milano, 1983);

"Le case della triennale" (Milano, Parigi 1983);

"99 top lamps" (Montreal 1987);

"I segni dell'habitat" (Parigi 1987);

"Forum design '88" (Milano, New York 1988);

"Forum office design" (Milano, Colonia 1989, 1992);

"Creativitalia" (Tokyo 1990);

"Design future philosophy" (Singapore 1992);

"Good design" the Chicago Athenaeum (Chicago 1995, 2003, 2005).

they have been awarded:

3 International Prizes "Sim-industrial Design" (Milano 1982, 83);

2 Prizes of Institute of Business Designers (New York 1982, 86);

2 Prizes "Smau Industrial Design" (Milano 1971, 78);

2 International Prizes Promosedia (Udine 1986, 87),

Prizes "Resources Council Product Design Awards Program" (New York, 1982);

International Prizes "Industrie Forum Design Hannover” (Hannover 1983, 1990, 1992);

Oscar "Snai" (Parigi 1990);

"J.I.D.A. Acclaim Award” (Los Angeles 1995);

"Industrial Design Distinction Award” (New York 1996);

International Prize "Grandesign" (Milano 1997);

2 Prizes Catas (Udine 1998);

Prize ”Top Ten” (Udine 1999);

Gold Medal "Best of Neocon” (Chicago 2000);

"Grand Prix de l’Innovation” (Paris 2002, 2005);

Chicago Athenaeum "Good Design Award” (Chicago 1995, 2003, 2004, 2005)

Various products designed by Roberto Lucci and Paolo Orlandini have been nominated for:

the compasso d'oro prize (1979, 1981, 1984, 1987, 1989, 1991, 2001, 2002, 2003);