Andrea Cavani

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Andrea Cavani was born in Modena in 1974. He studied at the Faculty of Architecture of Ferrara and at the Academy of Architecture in Mendrisio, where he was a student of the Swiss architect Peter Zumthor.

Since 2001 he has work as an architect and from 2005 al 2015 taught at the University of Bologna.

He obtained a Ph.D. in Architectural Composition at the University of Bologna, where he specialized in the relationship between form and structure in Twentieth Century modernist architecture, and in particular the experimental work of Pier Luigi Nervi. Knowledge that, transferred to the field of design directed his projects towards the optimization of the relationship between shape and luminous structure and on experimentation of the elastic characteristics of materials.

Since 2008 he his co-founder and curator of the Archivio Architetto Cesare Leonardi. His interest in the field of design was stimulated by his close collaboration with Cesare Leonardi (Modena, 1935), designer of iconic pieces from the Sixties and Seventies.