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Maison&Objet 2023

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Maison&Objet 2023
January, 2023
Maison&Objet 2023 – Design and lifestyle
This 2023 edition of Maison&Objet ended with the presence of more than 67,000 visitors and 60 country representations.
We are pleased with the consensus received for some lamps, which are then our novelties.Avro, for example, piqued the eye of many by being deemed appropriate for the workplace or for projects that some professionals were pursuing. Those who came to the fair in quest of novelty found it in this light, which matched their criteria for uniqueness.Cabriolette was also the protagonist of many photoshoots, the suspended version was particularly popular along with the cordless one, because of the possibility to rotate the diffuser and create the type of light suitable for the needs of the moment.The sculptural Cyborg Big lamp drew attention due to its prominent presence; many visitors imagined it included in their environments such as the entrance of a store, even though it was designed for outdoor.
Then the Martinelli Luce Metaverse. The more technological, or simply the more curious, engaged in exploring our metaverse with a viewer.A more immersive experience that engages our sensory perceptions through first-person exploration of 3D-reproduced scenery. That's how you get up on stage, inside our founder's initial sets to the most renowned and iconic lamps in huge size. A new way to interact with a lighting fixture.
What came from this edition of Maison&Objet: talking to and confronting professionals, as well as private individuals, is always a motivator to better and understand what the true needs of consumers are.
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