Like every year, Martinelli Luce will be present at Light + Building | Frankfurt am Main, the world's leading fair for lighting technology, to present its latest products and launch the most innovative design solutions for the sector. Martinelli Luce is waiting for you from 18 to 23 March at his stand: Hall 1.1 | B41. The initiative was supported by the Regional Operational Program, a European Union strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. Operazione CUP 7161.24052017.110000179.
Target: Development of international marketing and branding strategies.
Progetto "SMART LIGHTING”POR CReO Fesr 2014-2020 Azione 3.4.2 sub a)
Call for "Aiuti alle PMI per l'internazionalizzazione” DD 1540/2016.
18 – 23 March 2018, Hall 1.1 | B41, Light+Building, Frankfurt am Main