Luisa Bocchietto

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Architect and designer. She graduated in architecture in 1985 from Milan Polytechnic, with Marco Zanuso, and simultaneously from the European Institute of Design in Milan.

Since then, she has been working for both public and private clients, realising projects for building renovation, urban regeneration, furnishing, and setting up stands at trade fairs in Italy and abroad (Milan, Paris, Cologne, and New York).

She designs objects for companies in the furniture sector, projects published in Italian and foreign magazines, in particular the giant vases used in fairs, hotels, and public spaces all over the world.

She collaborates as a tutor and visiting professor with universities and design schools (Lausanne, Turin, Venice, and Milan). Alongside her professional activity, she has always been involved in the promotion of design culture. In addition, Luisa is very active in supporting design quality in all possible forms.

From 2008 to 2014, for two terms of office, she was the National President of the ADI - Association for Industrial Design.